Also known as an abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat to give you a sleeker, stronger, and more toned abdominal profile. This not only provides you with a leaner stomach but also boosts your self-image and confidence. However, before you get your tummy tuck in Minneapolis, MN, you might be concerned about tummy tuck scars after surgery.
By using personalized tummy tuck techniques and assisting you through the post-surgical healing process, qualified plastic surgeons ensure that your tummy tuck scar remains as unnoticeable as possible. After your abdominoplasty recovery, your doctor may also recommend tummy tuck scar treatments to further improve the appearance of your scar.
At Landis Plastic Surgery, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. George H. Landis specializes in performing tummy tucks to achieve stunning results for our patients. Besides using his extensive skill to sculpt your abdomen, Dr. Landis also guides you throughout the tummy tuck recovery process to help you achieve your aesthetic goals with minimal side effects.
To discover how noticeable a tummy tuck scar can be and what measures can reduce its appearance, the following guide provides important information about this common abdominoplasty concern.
How Long Is the Typical Healing Process for a Tummy Tuck Scar?
The duration of the post-surgical healing process varies from patient to patient. Typically, a tummy tuck scar fades within 12 months of an abdominoplasty. For many patients, following scar care during tummy tuck recovery and using targeted scar reduction treatments afterwards makes the scar virtually unnoticeable over time.
A tummy tuck scar does not appear immediately following surgery. Instead, the scar slowly replaces the surgical incisions made during the procedure. Right after a tummy tuck, the incisions are covered with bandages, and the body’s natural healing process begins in the form of swelling and bruising around the surgical site.
Once these side effects subside, usually around 3 to 6 months, tummy tuck incisions begin to look more like scars and appear darker than the surrounding skin tone. Over the next 8 to 9 months, the scars continue their healing process and fade more over time. If necessary, your plastic surgeon will recommend tummy tuck scar treatments.
What Factors Can Influence the Visibility of a Tummy Tuck Scar?
Multiple scar visibility factors can influence the overall visibility of a tummy tuck scar. These typically include the following aspects.
Surgical Techniques.The techniques used by your plastic surgeon will affect the size and position of your scar after your recovery.
Surgical Skill. The overall skill level of your plastic surgeon influences how precise the incision and stitches will be for your tummy tuck and how they will minimize post-surgical scarring.
Incision Care. The recommendations and best practices that you follow during your recovery play a significant role in scar visibility.
Scar Care. The treatments and best practices you follow after your recovery contribute to the success of tummy tuck scar fading.
Due to these reasons, it is important that you have your tummy tuck performed by a qualified plastic surgeon who can manage all of these scar visibility factors for you.
Are There Different Tummy Tuck Techniques That Affect Scarring?
The tummy tuck techniques used can affect post-surgical scarring. During a typical tummy tuck, your plastic surgeon will make an incision below the belly button but above the public hairline. As this incision is made as low as possible, most scarring is concealed beneath underwear or swimwear. However, your plastic surgeon may further personalize the technique based upon your specific anatomy and aesthetic goals.
For instance, if you previously had a C-section, your plastic surgeon may make your tummy tuck incisions across your previous scar. Similarly, if your abdominoplasty is combined with liposuction for significant fat reduction, your plastic surgeon may use your tummy tuck incisions for liposuction instead of making new incisions, reducing the formation of other scars.
Will a Tummy Tuck Scar Fade Over Time?
When you practice good scar care during tummy tuck recovery, your abdominoplasty scar fades over time due to the body’s natural healing process. To see a prominent reduction in the appearance of your scar, you may need to wait 12 months after surgery. In some cases, you may need to use targeted tummy tuck scar treatments to boost this effect.
During your abdominoplasty follow-up appointments, your plastic surgeon will provide you with personalized advice on how to further reduce the prominence of your tummy tuck scar.
Are There Any Scar Treatments or Products That Can Help Improve Appearance?
A range of tummy tuck scar treatments are available for patients whose scars do not heal at an ideal rate or who want to take additional precautions to boost tummy tuck scar fading. But to ensure optimal results, only use these treatments with the advice of your plastic surgeon.
Qualified plastic surgeons make it a point to discuss your tummy tuck scar concerns and suggest which treatments might alleviate these issues, ensuring you benefit from those tummy tuck scar treatments most suitable for you.
Can Clothing Be Used to Conceal a Tummy Tuck Scar?
When your abdominoplasty is performed by a qualified plastic surgeon, your tummy tuck scars are easily concealed beneath underwear or swimwear . This ensures you do not have to wait a long time after a tummy tuck to show off your new figure.
Are There Specific Activities to Avoid in Order to Protect a Tummy Tuck Scar?
Scar care during tummy tuck recovery significantly affects the appearance of future scars. After tummy tuck, your plastic surgeon will provide you a detailed list of aftercare instructions to prevent highly visible scars from forming.
These tips may vary from patient to patient, but they typically include the following:
- Avoid Strenuous Activities During Recovery. During recovery, avoid strenuous activities, such as exercise, until advised by your plastic surgeon. This keeps pressure off your incisions and leads to less visible scarring.
Get Proper Rest. Resting after a tummy tuck promotes ideal healing for your incisions and prevents the formation of significant scars.
Follow Incision Care Advice. You need to take care of your incisions by following the personalized advice provided by your plastic surgeon. This reduces the chances of prominent scarring.
Use Sunscreen on Your Incisions After Recovery. Following a tummy tuck, protect your incisions from UV rays to keep them from darkening and scarring. Your surgeon can recommend a sunscreen suitable for you.
Is It Possible to Undergo Scar Revision If I Am Dissatisfied with The Results?
In most cases, being careful about different scar visibility factors and taking precise steps for protecting a tummy tuck scar ensures ideal results and minimal scarring. If you are not satisfied with how your scar has healed after abdominoplasty, it’s important to consult with a qualified provider to explore your tummy tuck scar revision options. These may include a variety of treatment options to help you reduce your tummy tuck scar.
How Can You Find the Right Provider for Tummy Tuck?
If you’re looking for remarkable contours and want minimal scarring after your tummy tuck procedure, choosing a qualified provider is crucial to accomplish these goals. By reaching out to a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in abdominoplasty, you can achieve your goals with utmost confidence.
At Landis Plastic Surgery, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. George H. Landis has the experience and skill to help you attain your ideal figure through tummy tuck. With his commitment to personalized care, Dr. Landis also creates personalized tummy tuck treatment plans to reduce future scarring. To embrace a leaner and redefined abdominal profile, contact Dr. Landis today at (952) 562-5940 to learn more or to schedule your consultation.