Plastic Surgery After Weight Loss: The Body Lift

We applaud the efforts of the many people who have worked hard to make positive changes to their lives, altering their diet and physical activities so that they can lose excess weight. Losing weight can help you feel better and more confident.  We know how much commitment and hard work it takes to lose weight, and we join you in celebrating your success. Unfortunately, though, many people are still quite unhappy with their bodies after weight loss because they now have loose, sagging skin. This is because weight loss efforts target fat and muscle tissue without addressing the skin. Even after a great deal of weight loss, you may feel uncomfortable showing off your results because of excess or sagging skin.  We understand how you feel, and Dr. Landis can help you get the look that you want with a body lift surgery. During this surgery, your skin and the underlying tissue are trimmed and re-contoured to create an improved look that can highlight your weight-loss success!

What Does a Body Lift Do for Me?

It is very common for patients who have undergone weight loss to have loose tissue, especially in the upper arms, abdomen and waist area, buttocks, and thighs. Even if you are at or close to your target weight, your skin may make you appear heavier than you are and create unsightly bulges in your clothes. During a body lift or body contouring surgery, excess skin and fat tissue are removed, tightening and smoothing the area(s) of concern. You can rest assured that you will be left with a smooth, natural contour to your body.

How is Body Lift Surgery Performed?

Prior to surgery, you will have a thorough consultation with Dr. Landis, during which you will discuss your concerns and aesthetic goals; he will also conduct a physical exam and come up with a customized surgical plan to give you the outcomes you desire. The plan will include locations and sizes of incisions and will be based on your body architecture, the laxity of your skin, fat deposits, and your desired outcomes. He may make markings on your body to provide guidance during the procedure.

Your body lift surgery will be done under general anesthesia.  Using the natural bends and folds of your skin, Dr. Landis will place incisions in areas that will minimize the appearance of scars. Excess skin will be removed and he may use liposuction to remove excess fat tissue prior to closing the incisions. The incisions will be closed with sutures, and you will be bandaged so that you can go home to recover.

What Should I Expect During Recovery From Body Lift Surgery?

You will be given thorough instructions on aftercare before your surgery, and it is important to follow all recommendations to support your body’s healing process and maximize your results. After your surgery, Dr. Landis will place bandages and specialized compression garments.  You will wear the compression garments for a few weeks to minimize swelling and support your tissue as it heals. You may need to have some assistance at home for the first couple of days as your range of motion may be limited by your incisions.

You will likely experience soreness and bruising for several days following the surgery, but Dr. Landis will prescribe pain medications to enhance your comfort during this time.  It is best that you refrain from vigorous physical activities for several weeks, but you can go back to work and other regular daily activities within a week or two, depending on the extent and location of your body lift incisions.

Contact us at 952.562.5940 today to discover how we can help you finalize your transformation in your weight loss journey!


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