Why Are My Breasts Uneven?

You may call them “the twins,” but very few women have identical breasts. Some variation between the breasts is typical – a condition known as breast asymmetry. Most of the time, asymmetry is mild and barely noticeable. Some women may have more prominent, potentially bothersome asymmetry.

What Causes Breast Asymmetry?

There are many potential causes for breast asymmetry, but this condition has a strong genetic link. If your mother, grandmother, or other close relative has breast asymmetry, you may develop the condition too.

Common causes of breast asymmetry include the following.

Adolescence: Sometimes one breast starts to grow sooner than the other during early puberty. The reason for this early-onset asymmetry isn’t clear, but it may be due to more breast tissue cells in one breast or a greater hormone sensitivity. The smaller breast will often catch up to the larger side, but it can take time and patience.

Pregnancy: Breasts often appear asymmetrical during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Hormonal changes during pregnancy may impact one breast more than the other. During breastfeeding, a baby may prefer to feed more on one side than the other, creating the appearance of asymmetry.

Atypical ductal hyperplasia: This condition causes abnormal growth of the breasts’ milk ducts. It has links to breast lumps and an increased risk of breast cancer. It can also create differences in the breasts’ size and appearance.

Hypoplastic breasts: Hypoplastic breasts are underdeveloped. This condition can result from injury to the breasts, some medical conditions, hormones, or unknown reasons.

Juvenile hypertrophy: Juvenile hypertrophy is extreme breast development, usually occurring on only one breast. Doctors have yet to pinpoint this rare condition’s cause, but it may link to hormone sensitivity.

Breast asymmetry can temporary or long-lasting. For temporary issues like pregnancy or breastfeeding, time is usually the best option for correcting the size discrepancy. Breast surgery can resolve permanent breast asymmetry.

Surgical Options for Correcting Breast Asymmetry

If you have breast asymmetry, treatment options may be available. Dr. Landis may perform breast surgery to even out your breasts’ appearance.

Breast lift: A breast lift removes excess skin and lifts the breasts into a more youthful positioning.

Breast augmentation: Breast augmentation places implants into the breasts to increase their size. Saline breast implants are a helpful tool for treating asymmetry, as Dr. Landis fills the implants after placing them inside the breasts, allowing him to adjust volume to create symmetry.

Breast reduction: In breast reduction, Dr. Landis removes breast tissue, fat, and skin from the breasts to reduce their size.

Often, a combination of breast surgery techniques is the recommended approach for correcting breast asymmetry. If you have a troublesome size difference between your breasts, come see Dr. Landis to explore your options. We typically operate on both breasts, as this creates a more natural-looking, balanced result.

Contact Dr. Landis by calling (952) 562-5940 or reaching out via our simple online form.

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